
Pictured; From left; Jakob Nickels, Michael Edwards and Brayden Ables demonstrate sporty talents while MacKenzie Bailey shares her acting career.

Practice What You Teach

Fourth-graders in writing classes with Mr. Merloe, Mrs. White and Ms. Lane at Ridgeline Academy are learning why it’s important to write clearly by sharing their expertise with classmates.  A recent assignment involved producing a How-to-Paragraph prior to the in- class demonstration.

A How-To-Paragraph ingredients ensure a logical and orderly description by including “First,” “Next,” “Then” and “Finally” sections.  Fourth-grader, Pristene Jeffries, instructed her peers in how to create Dr. Seuss-style OOblek, fashioned from ingredients that include corn starch and water.  Pristene gave out samples in bags to the class, saying “It’s a fun project and it has a weird, crazy feeling!”

Jakob Nickels, who plays tight end, safety and defensive end for the Falcons in the Cadette League, introduced the class to the fundamentals of football:  “First, you need gear to play tackle football.  Next, you get into a big circle called a huddle.  Then, the Quarterback calls a play.  Finally, all players say ‘Break’ and we get in positions and play.

The assignment offered students the opportunity to teach the class something that they may not know about.  Students used posters, pictures and props sporting their expertise.  Shaylee Smith felt nervous about presenting but applying the formula taught in class gave her the confidence to share how to use a bow and arrow.  “I had a good time,” admitted a relieved Shaylee, “because it was fun to share my archery skills, especially because we are reading Robin Hood now in Language Arts.”

It was an educational, fun and informative day for all players sporting their talents.

Pictured;  Shaylee Smith strikes a Pose ~


Note:   if you are interested in sharing your creative talents with the fourth-grade classroom(s) please contact Stacey Lane directly at (602) 367-6748.  It is these types of presentations that inspire, encourage and connect with students.