By Dr. Jenna Dye, Naturopathic Physician

It’s a new year so that means you may have a new health insurance plan or policy. I always try to help my patients utilize what they can with naturopathic medicine. Board certified and licensed naturopathic physicians in the state of Arizona are not typically contracted with insurance companies and therefore do not accept insurance for office visits. The good news is that many patients are able to utilize some of their insurance benefits. I always recommend that patients contact their insurance company prior to visits to inquire about possible coverage.

Some plans offer a Health Spending Account (HSA) or Flex Spending Account (FSA). These accounts can be used to pay for naturopathic visits at the time of service and may also be used for nutritional supplement purchases and specialty labs. Any extra documentation can be provided, and approval will be dependent on your specific plan.

Out of Network Claims
Some insurance companies may consider naturopathic physicians as out-of-network providers. Insurance companies may be able to reimburse you for partial or all of your visits with proper documentation. At the time of your visit, you will be provided with the necessary forms, which include Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and diagnostic codes (ICD-10). You can submit these forms along with your receipt to your insurance for possible reimbursement. This may be a mail in form or an online form with uploaded documentation and receipts. The reimbursement amount will depend on your specific plan.

Laboratory Services and Imaging
If you have private insurance and your particular plan covers routine lab work and/or imaging, naturopathic physicians are able to order particular laboratory testing and imaging through your insurance. Sonora Quest and LabCorp are usually the preferred labs for most insurance companies here in Arizona. If you do not carry private insurance or do not have lab work or imaging coverage, there are cash pay options available depending on your specific needs.

Specialty labs such as Food Sensitivity IgG testing, Comprehensive Stool Analysis and others are not covered by insurance and are either paid at the time of purchase or directly to the specific specialty laboratory.

Medicare/Medicaid and AHCCCS
Naturopathic physicians are not eligible to be providers with Medicare/Medicaid as well as state insurance (AHCCCS). Due to this, there are no options for possible reimbursement of visit costs. Unfortunately, there is no laboratory or imaging coverage if ordered by a naturopathic physician. In this situation, labs can be ordered at cash pay facilities for reasonable pricing.

To inquire more regarding possible insurance reimbursement options with a naturopathic physician please contact your insurance company or call the office at 480-448-8888.

Dr. Jenna Dye is a licensed naturopathic physician. Her role is to support the body’s foundation to restore and maintain optimal health. Together with her patients, this is achieved by identifying and removing barriers that may be impacting health while creating a healing environment. For more information visit