HI, MY NAME IS… Frankie Kounouho.

MY OCCUPATION IS… master level certified mindset coach. Learn more at mbtcoaching.org.

I’VE LIVED IN ARIZONA FOR 22 YEARS AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… of its cultural and environmental diversity. Arizona is one of those states where you can travel up north during the winter for cool weather or stay in the warm Valley. It never gets old to discover a new cactus or rock formation on a local hike or enjoy a beautiful car ride to Sedona.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… upon waking I do a morning meditation, spend time with my husband before he leaves for the day, go to either yoga or Pilates, sit quietly and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea before heading out to The Space Yoga Sanctuary in Cave Creek where I meet with my clients in person or virtually as their mindset coach. Following my client sessions, I usually have lunch with a friend(s) or return home for lunch. I will then spend about an hour or two creating materials and responding to emails and text messages for my coaching business. I am not much of a chef, so I usually wait until my husband arrives home and he will always create something delicious for dinner, that is a true blessing. This is one of the best parts of my day, where my husband and I reconnect from our busy days and spend time talking or watching a movie. I usually close out my day with a bedtime meditation.

MY FAMILY IS… my foundation. The meaning of that is between my husband and my mother, they keep me on track and focused on what matters most. My husband is the one who encourages me and lovingly pushes me to follow my dreams and to live without fear. Because of his encouragement, I stepped out on faith to fulfill my purpose as a mindset coach. My mother is a very spiritual woman who reminds me that my spiritual growth is as important as my professional growth. She also cheers me on when I need to be cheered on.

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my relationship with God. My life has taught me that I am stronger with my spiritual relationship than without it. I was once deeply depressed, on the verge of giving up following the death of my only child, and I cried out to God to help me. I wanted to live, but I needed to learn how to live my life without my child. My spiritual relationship required that I be honest with myself, with my flaws, with everything about me, and through that pain of self-growth, I blossomed into who I am today. It is a relationship that I have to cultivate each day.

MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY IS… “The Godfather.” The first one, not part two or three. I was transfixed to the screen when I saw it in the movie theater when it was released. The acting, the scenery, the storylines, all of it captivated my attention.

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO BE… I love this question because only a handful of people know I wanted to be a truck driver. I thought “Wow, these truck drivers get to travel all over the country, see new places, meet new people, and try new foods, how exciting is that?” That was until I realized that truck drivers were working, hard work at that, and not just driving all over the country for the sake of the adventure.


THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… my public relations consultant, Laura. She has helped me look at the bigger picture of my mindset coaching business and she has been a cheerleader every step of the way. She takes her position seriously, which shows and then requires me to take my position as a mindset coach seriously. She has moved me from thinking and operating small to thinking and operating on a larger trajectory.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… my yoga/Pilates “gang” which consists of a few ladies whom I have the privilege and honor of calling my friends. In yoga, we always find something to giggle about and during one class, I found myself laughing out loud over the fact that one of the ladies was not doing what everyone else in class was doing but was doing her own thing. The same group of ladies in Pilates always makes me laugh out loud if we are using the Pilates ball because we always seem to want to play dodgeball with them instead of doing the exercise that we are supposed to do.

THE PERFECT DAY IS… spending time taking care of myself – waking up, going to yoga or Pilates, going for a massage, quietly enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, and curling up with a good book until lunchtime and then perhaps taking a nap before re-engaging in that book.

MY LIFE IS… amazingly blessed! As I continue to mature, I have realized that I once took some things for granted, such as time, and my time on this earth. I wasted unnecessary energy on things that did not matter. At this point in my life, I live and love in each moment that is given to me, and I no longer expend unnecessary energy on things that do not matter.

THE BEST GIFT I’VE EVER RECEIVED WAS… my son Donovin. Although he was only gifted to me for four years, in those four years he taught me about unconditional love and patience. His existence in my world changed my perspective from thinking that life was just about following a routine pattern laid out by society, to living in every moment and sending love out wherever I go.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… to return to Italy. I had the privilege of living in Italy for three months and there was not a day that went by that I did not feel grateful for that opportunity. My heart truly is in Italy, and I would love to return one day to visit with friends and enjoy the beautiful country again.

THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED IS… to stop thinking that I wasted time in my life and that had I started sooner with my mindset coaching business I would be further along. The truth is, I started at the right time and the right age. Thinking that you are too young or too old or too anything, is just a way of talking yourself out of living on purpose.