By Dr. Jenna Dye, Naturopathic Physician
The holidays are here! That means holiday parties, holiday treats, and sometimes a little holiday stress. Many of my patients tell me that they will just wait to get their health on track in the new year, but there is no need to wait! You can stay healthy and still enjoy the holidays. Here are some helpful tips to keep you and your family healthy during this joyful time of year.
Holiday Party Food: Food is one of the most exciting parts of the holidays, and most gatherings always revolve around food. If you are going to a party, it is always a great idea to bring your own version of a healthy dish for an option. You can also eat a healthy meal before you go to a holiday party, so you don’t overindulge. Choose veggies and fruit over desserts. Keep your hydration up before attending those events and have an extra glass of water between any libations.
Immune System Support: The holiday season also brings more illnesses. Make sure to keep your immune system supported. I like to use Vitamin C and Vitamin D for general immune support. Take extra leading up to any travel or gatherings. Always have Vitamin D levels checked by your physician for proper supplementation. I also like to have Elderberry for the entire family. Elderberry is an herb that is great for supporting and boosting the immune system. You can take it daily for immune maintenance.
Stress: The holidays can bring stress for some, which can hinder the immune system and increase inflammation. If possible, make sure to plan some “down time” during the holidays to relax and recuperate. Get adequate sleep and create healthy boundaries. You may not be able to make every event and that is okay.
Stay Active: Thankfully, here in Phoenix, this is the best time of year to be outside. Daily exercise is so important for our health. Daily activity of at least 30 minutes can be beneficial for stress management and the immune system. Take walks after those big meals on the holidays.
Work with your Naturopathic Physician: A Naturopathic Physician can work with you on foundational health and immunity prior to the holiday season.
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Jenna Dye is a licensed Naturopathic Physician. Her role is to support the body’s foundation to restore and maintain optimal health. Together with her patients, this is achieved by identifying and removing barriers that may be impacting health while creating a healing environment. For more information visit