By Platinum Hearing

Everyone loves the idea of a miracle cure that can help you live longer. In fact, a brief internet search will probably return thousands of such miracle remedies (if not more), each promising to help you have a longer life if you employ “one simple trick.” Of course, the vast majority of these supposed cures have no real medical foundation.

Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything to positively impact your longevity. For example, eating a healthy diet or quitting smoking can substantially affect your expected lifespan.

Making use of hearing aids to manage hearing loss is also in this category and a multidisciplinary publication that focuses on healthy aging, called “The Lancet Healthy Longevity”, has recently released research that reinforces this. So, can hearing aids help you live longer? There’s a strong possibility that they will according to this study.

Researchers have been aware of the connection between overall wellness and hearing health for quite some time. The fact that neglected hearing loss can considerably raise your chances of experiencing cognitive decline is well founded, for instance.

These risks, however, are largely unknown by most people. They think that hearing loss will only influence one facet of their lives and is a mere nuisance. But the reality is that hearing loss is more than a simple annoyance, especially when neglected.

Usually, treatment for hearing loss involves using hearing aids as much as possible. So, does this mean that you can decrease your risk of early death by wearing hearing aids?
According to the latest research, there is certainly a possibility. The study found that regular hearing aid use was linked to a 24% reduction in mortality risk. The participants in this study who used their hearing aids tended to live longer.

The research published in “The Lancet Healthy Longevity” is not exactly definitive proof that hearing aids will help you have a longer life (although the study does strongly indicate a relationship). However, it’s another piece of evidence to add onto what we already know about the advantages of hearing aids.
• Social situations can become significantly easier. This can limit the amount of social solitude you feel, improving your overall mental wellness
• You may also be more mindful of your surroundings. This can help prevent accidents, injuries, and mishaps.
• Cognition can be improved by using hearing aids. Over time, your brain will be healthier and less fatigued from struggling to hear.
• From enjoying caring moments with your grandchildren to taking part in a business dinner, everyday situations with friends, family, and colleagues will be simplified.