The winter months can be great as Arizona is cool enough to be outside any time of day and hiking, mountain biking and all sorts of activities are finally available in the middle of the day, but the darker months and the holidays can bring family relationships, or lack there-of, into focus and seasonal affective disorder can cause some real mood issues. If winter isn’t the most fun time of the year for you, we have some answers!

At MVP Medical Care in North Scottsdale, we’re focused on getting each of our clients to their best selves through natural therapies and healthy habits rather than depending on prescription drugs! So if you’re tired of getting medications thrown at you when you see the doctor when you’re mood isn’t great, we’re just the answer you’re looking for!

Dr. Sosnowski is a board certified Family Physician, board certified in Integrative Medicine and is certified in Functional Medicine as well! As such, she’s now a pro at getting to the underlying cause of the problem and helping people get their lives back, naturally. There are multiple causes for depression and anxiety from the Functional Medicine view. Often times depression is from an inability to make serotonin, our happy hormone well, as our body isn’t able to methylate Folic acid well -this is a genetic disability that up to 60% of people have. It can also cause anxiety issues, increased risk of blood clots, dementia and other issues. If you have a whole family history full of people with depression, this might be the cause and supplementation easily fixes the problem!

Other times the depression and anxiety can be caused be inflammation in the gut – we’re not digesting our food properly or we’re eating foods that we’re reacting to – leading to inflammation throughout our entire system including our brain. Sometimes this presents with diffuse joint pain or bloating and gas, otherwise it’s more difficult to pinpoint as we’re just depressed or anxious, something far disconnected to gut function!
Prior life history can cause depression and anxiety or insomnia as well – if we’ve had a prior head injury (regardless of how severe it was) or a really stressful event in the past – we may find ourselves years later not being our best selves – more irritable, sleeping less well, being moody off and on. In this situation the head injury or PTSD reaction may be to blame and the brain is no longer in tune from the prior stress.

Current life stresses – the recent loss of a loved one or family being too far away are more impactful at the winter months as well when there are fewer hours of daylight brightening our existence!

If you’re feeling any of these things, and are tired of feeling this way and ready to get some help, give us a call! Dr. Sosnowski is a master at figuring out the underlying cause to get you back to your best self. Sometime its lifestyle and supplementation that is needed, other times is the brain treatment, called MeRT, that’s the best answer. MeRT (Magnetic eResonance Therapy) is a treatment that’s been around for 12 years and has shown truly impressive results in resolving chronic depression, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog when nothing else has worked. Best of all – treatment is easy! 15 minutes of treatment, five days a week (Monday to Friday) and in two to six weeks, you’re feeling better than you have in years!

If you’re ready to get your health and vitality back, get your happy, joyful self available to be with family and friends, give us a call now – 480- 588-7787! We’ll spend 15 minutes talking to you for free about what we do and how we might help you get back to your best self!

Why wait any longer?? If medication hasn’t worked or you hate it too much to give it a go, please, give us a call and find out how we can help. Let Dr. Sosnowski help turn your life around like she has for so many of our clients. Call now: 480-588-7787. Location: 7312 E Deer Valley Rd, #110, Scottsdale, AZ, 85255