By Rich Piper, your friendly neighborhood DIY enthusiast

Picture this: five years ago, frustration reared its ugly head. We were ready to plant bushes and prune trees, only to discover we owned a whopping six shovels, four pruning shears, and two bypass loppers. How did this happen?!

Every time a tool had a dull edge or a loose bolt, we mindlessly dashed to the hardware store for a new one. Repair? It never even crossed our minds. We saw these tools as disposable. But then, one day, we stumbled upon our scattered tool stash and had a revelation. We did the math, realized the waste, and decided to make a change: no more new tools. We were going to fix what we had.

Enter our new obsession: YouTube. We dove into videos on tool repairs and realized it was simpler and more satisfying than we ever imagined. “We can do this,” we told ourselves, and so we did! Armed with sharpening stones, grease, fasteners, wood treatment oils, painter’s tape, and spray paint, we got to work. Within two weeks, our tools were better than new, and the feeling was incredible!

Fast forward to today, and our DIY journey has expanded beyond our wildest dreams. We’ve saved tons of money and rescued countless items from the landfill. From desert gardening to food forests, from auto repairs to furniture restoration, we tackle it all. We even craft our own furniture from pallet wood!

And we do all this while respecting our community’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). We ensure our projects don’t disrupt our neighbors, who, by the way, cheer us on and often join in the fun.

Our DIY adventure has taught us a lot about the value of tradespeople—plumbers, carpenters, repairmen, and more. These hardworking professionals are true heroes. They possess skills and knowledge that are often undervalued in today’s society. We’ve become staunch advocates for treating them with the respect they deserve.

Our journey into DIY hasn’t just been about saving money; it’s been about gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us. Fixing and creating things with our hands has given us a new appreciation for the materials and craftsmanship involved in everyday objects. It has also connected us more deeply with our community, as we share our projects and skills with our neighbors.

Grateful for the wealth of DIY content available, we decided to pay it forward by launching our own YouTube channel: Suburban DIY. With nearly 500 videos and a growing community of neighbors and subscribers, we’re thrilled to share our adventures and inspire others. Our channel is a treasure trove of how-to’s, from repairing garden tools to building custom furniture. Many videos are a step-by-step guide, designed to empower viewers to take on their own DIY projects.

Through our channel, we’ve connected with a global community of DIY enthusiasts. The comments and feedback we receive are not just encouraging; they’re a testament to the positive impact of sharing knowledge and skills. Our neighbors, who were once curious onlookers, are now active participants, often coming over to help with projects or ask for advice on their own.

Join us! Visit and dive into the world of DIY with us. Let’s create, repair, and save together! Whether you’re looking to fix a broken chair, build a garden shed, or simply save some money while having fun, our channel has something for everyone. Together, we can transform frustration into fulfillment, one project at a time.