By Dr. Jenna Dye

Q. What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a specific type of primary health care that concentrates on whole patient wellness. The role of a Naturopathic physician is to diagnose, treat and prevent acute and chronic illnesses by identifying the underlying causes and removing barriers that may be impacting health, rather than focusing solely on symptomatic treatment. This is accomplished together with patients by individualizing care and creating a healing environment.

Q. How is a Naturopathic Physician trained?
Naturopathic physicians (ND or NMD) are clinically trained primary care physicians who have attended a four-year, graduate level Naturopathic medical school. Education in basic sciences is similar to an MD, but a Naturopathic physician also studies holistic approaches to therapy with an emphasis on optimizing wellness and disease prevention. In addition to the standard medical curriculum, they study botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, psychology, and counseling. A naturopathic physician must take professional board exams in order to be licensed by a state or jurisdiction as a primary care general practice physician.

Q. Why see a Naturopathic Doctor?
1. You want individualized treatment focusing on whole patient wellness: Naturopathic doctors are trained to treat the whole person. We take the time to listen and understand all factors that can affect your health. Initial visits in my office are up to an hour or more. All treatments are individualized and tailored to your goals, lifestyle and health needs.

2. You want to treat the root cause, and not just symptoms: The focus of Naturopathic Medicine is to identify and treat the root cause. Symptoms such as constipation, skin rashes, joint pain, anxiety/depression, and many more are a result of an underlying cause.

3. You want to actively participate in your own health: As a Naturopathic doctor, we work together to learn what your body needs to get well and stay well. Patients feel empowered and hopeful when they understand their health conditions and are actively engaged in the healing process.

4. You have tried all conventional medical options: Certain chronic conditions that have symptoms such as chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, acne, skin rashes and insomnia can be difficult to diagnose and treat. These conditions can benefit greatly from a Naturopathic approach. Naturopathic doctors use diagnostic tools common in conventional medicine such as detailed health, disease and prescription health histories, physical exams and targeted laboratory testing and imaging. We also review detailed diet history, lifestyle habits, exercise history and social/emotional factors to assess your needs.

Q. Do Naturopathic Physicians accept insurance?
In the state of Arizona, Naturopathic physicians typically do not accept insurance, however, there are options for patients with private insurance. If insurance allows, all necessary paperwork for Out-of-Network claims can be provided, patients can use HSA/FSA cards for payments and/or routine blood work can be ordered through insurance.

Q. What types of conditions do Naturopathic Physicians see?
As licensed primary care physicians, Naturopathic physicians see a wide variety of conditions. In my practice, I have a passion for pediatrics and see conditions such as eczema, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, foods sensitivities, routine well-child exams and acute conditions such as common colds, ear infections, etc.

For adults, I focus on gastrointestinal disorders, thyroid disorders, adrenal support, preventative medicine, autoimmune conditions and women’s health including menstrual irregularities, hormone balancing, and menopausal symptoms.