The Teal It Up Ovarian Cancer Foundation is committed to helping women navigate the challenges of ovarian cancer. The foundation is a 501 (c) 3, tax exempt organization established in 2013, based in Scottsdale, AZ.
Started by Jan Coggins, an eight year survivor of ovarian cancer, our foundation’s main goal is to educate, educate, educate! We believe that every woman deserves to know the symptoms of this disease. This knowledge is her chance for an earlier diagnosis, in fact, her right to survive. Every 37 minutes, a woman in this country dies from ovarian cancer…..most could have survived. Ovarian Cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the U.S. Early detection of ovarian cancer can increase life expectancy up to 95%, however due to the subtle nature of symptoms, patients are very often misdiagnosed.

High school student Megan Flory raises $200 and donates to Teal It Up to help purchase comfort bag items, shown with board members Yvonne Hurley and LeeAnn Newcomb.
Teal It Up strives to raise awareness about ovarian cancer, support other ovarian cancer patients, and raise funds for critical research initiatives in ovarian cancer detection. All of the foundation board members have been touched by ovarian cancer. We know that, without more funding, so many more people will also find ovarian cancer in their lives.
• Ovarian cancer is TEN TIMES more deadly than breast cancer
• Pap tests do NOT detect ovarian cancer
• There is no current screening for ovarian cancer
• Even if you’ve had a hysterectomy, you may still be at risk if you have your ovaries or fallopian tubes
• 70% of ovarian cancer patients do not discover this cancer until it has advanced to stage 3 or 4
• 70% of these patients will have a recurrence of their cancer, even after aggressive treatment
• 70% of these women will succumb to ovarian cancer
Bloating, Pelvic and Abdominal Pain, Difficulty Eating or Feeling Full Quickly, Urinary Changes (urgency or frequency), Family history of Breast or Ovarian Cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms seek out a gynecologic oncologist. If you have a family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer you may be a candidate for genetic testing. You may want to contact a genetic counselor. A list of counselors can be found on the resource page on our website:
The biggest compliment to any organization is when one shows compassion, desire and takes time to volunteer and donate money to help the mission. Our board members are volunteers and close to 100% of our funds directly impact survivors. We do have small administrative costs such as printing, however, we aim for getting much of those costs donated. The following is a list of what the folks with Teal It Up do in our community to help promote awareness. Funds donated are allocated to some of the programs listed below that need continued financial support.
• Comfort bags delivered to newly diagnosed and recurring patients
• Pet therapy visits to treatment rooms and hospitals
• Financial support of genetic counseling and testing within Arizona when medically indicated
• Housecleaning for patients in treatment who meet criteria set by Arizona Oncology Foundation
• Community outreach programs that raise awareness for ovarian cancer; visiting doctor’s offices, supermarkets, health fairs, seminars, etc.
• Participating in Survivors Teaching Students, a national program sponsored by Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance. Teal It Up is very supportive of STS. In the valley we go to the University of Arizona medical school, as well as local nursing schools to share our individual stories of diagnosis, treatment and survivorship
• Fundraising events such as golf tournaments, clay target shooting, pistol tournament shoots, and in 2018, a bowling tournament. Fundraising events provide community awareness of not only our foundation but more importantly the disease and its impact
• Support research projects that impact women in treatment
• Recently seen at the Women’s Expo, Teal It Up
Ovarian Cancer Foundation makes frequent appearances throughout the valley where they can provide information, educational material and personal support. Interested in having Teal It Up at your event? Please call us at 480 -229-7347.
Use us as your ovarian cancer resource. Please visit us at