By Shoulder Pain Expert,
Dr. Matthew Hernandez,
Ethos Integrative Medicine
Does This Sound Like You?
You’ve seen everyone for shoulder pain and are still left without solutions. You’ve tried therapeutic massages but it came back (or worse, aggravated it), chiropractic care only offered temporary relief, your physical therapist put you on the same exercises as everyone, the pain management doctor did a nerve ablation and told you to stop being active, and the orthopedic surgeon told you that you weren’t a surgical candidate.
When you’re experiencing shoulder pain all day, it’s no surprise you would turn to sleep for relief. But when sleeping seated in a chair becomes as bad as lying on your side, it’s time to solve the mystery of your shoulder pain. Unfortunately, for many on the quest to conquering discomfort, their only option from health care providers is to “wait until it gets worse.” Here’s what they don’t want you to know: You can actually get relief now.
Pain is Not Something You ‘Just Have to Live With’
Michael, 46, came to us after exhausting every option outside surgery: “The worst part is feeling constantly drained. The pain takes so much out of me mentally.” Despite months of physical therapy, cortisone injections, and doctor’s appointments, his improvement was minimal. An orthopedic surgeon also diagnosed him with a rotator cuff injury, but told him he needed to wait for it to get worse to consider surgery. But Michael was determined to find a long-term solution that was not surgery.
What the Other Doctors Missed
Michael had fallen into what we call “The Gap,” where insurance-based care only offers temporary relief, surgery isn’t an option, and waiting for the pain to get worse seems like the only choice. Additionally, most providers only look for what they know how to treat. (If physical therapy and cortisone doesn’t work, and you’re not a surgical candidate, they have officially run out of options for you.)
Luckily, our meticulous ‘Deep Dive’ approach and expertise allowed our team to bridge that gap for Michael. Recognizing his frustration, we swiftly took action, confirming the rotator cuff injury and developing a targeted treatment plan to heal the damaged tissue. In just four weeks, the pain improved significantly, allowing Michael to regain his range of motion and finally sleep comfortably through the night.
A Comprehensive Solution, No Surgery or Pills
You don’t have to play the waiting game either; In fact, you’re one step away from a pain-free shoulder, too! With our comprehensive “Deep Dive to Avoid Surgery,” which was also used to confirm Michael’s pain and guide his treatment strategy, we’ll not only get you an accurate diagnosis and explain it to you, but will also provide you with a personalized treatment plan to effectively treat your pain and prevent it from coming back.