As anticipation grows for the upcoming Annular Eclipse on Saturday, Oct. 14, the Peoria Library System is ensuring residents are both informed and excited. With a series of solar-themed events, the community is invited to partake in various educational and fun activities centered around our star – the sun.

At the Peoria Main Library, enthusiasts and curious minds alike can look forward to the Fun with the Sun series. Scheduled for every Wednesday from September 6 to October 4 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., these sessions promise an engaging hands-on experience for attendees. Preparations for the first of the two expected solar eclipses will be in full swing with a different sun STEAM experiment featured each week. Activities range from crafting sun dials and concocting solar ovens to creating sun-catchers and experimenting with solar paper art. The goal? To safely enjoy and appreciate the sun’s magnificence while preparing for the forthcoming celestial event.

However, the educational journey doesn’t stop there. The West Valley Astronomy Club (WVAC) is collaborating with the Peoria Library System for a distinctive Sun Party. Intended to provide participants with knowledge on safe solar viewing practices during the eclipse, this event is a must-attend for those planning to witness the Annular Eclipse.

One of the event’s highlights is the introduction to pinhole viewers. These simple devices allow for safe eclipse viewing and participants will have the opportunity to make their own. Furthermore, attendees will be offered the chance to observe the sun through advanced telescopes fitted with special “sun filters.” This unique experience ensures a detailed and protected observation of the sun’s surface.

As an added incentive, families participating in the event will receive a pair of solar glasses – essential gear for any solar enthusiast wanting to witness the eclipse safely.

The Safely Seeing the Sun events with WVAC will be held on two dates:
1. Peoria Main Library, 8463 W. Monroe St.: Thursday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
2. Sunrise Mountain Library, 21109 N. 98th Ave.: Saturday, Oct. 7, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Residents of Peoria and the surrounding areas are encouraged to mark these dates on their calendars. With the solar eclipse just around the corner, these events offer an enriching and safe environment to learn, create, and observe.

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