When I was 12, my younger brother Tim, and my twin brother Tom, went skateboarding on a hill near my house. That afternoon they came back and Tom was helping Tim because he had fallen and hit his forehead. My mom called the pediatrician, but since Tim had been able to walk, his advice was to watch and make sure to wake him every two hours to ensure he was ok. He said that if he started to vomit repeatedly to take him to the ER. What child can you awake out of a dead sleep and get cognoscente enough to assess mental status? That night Tim ate three dinners – shortly after each, he forgot that he’d eaten and ate another. My parents were also trying to help him study for a math test. Flash cards that he practiced nearly every night were completely foreign to him. He did not remember anything. It seemed funny to us kids, but not so funny to my parents.

Today we know that these “innocent” head injuries are anything but. One moderate injury (i.e., symptoms occur later that day and may include nausea, vomiting, confusion, memory loss or headaches) doubles your risk of dementia. Studies have also found that repetitive small head injuries like “getting your bell rung” while playing sports can result in a much higher risk of dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms can include severe anger, suicidal depression, chronic insomnia and many others of which are not typically brought to the public’s attention yet can ruin your quality of life. Two or more severe injuries may lead to deficits in communication, executive functioning, anxiety, depression, insomnia and fatigue. Long-term symptoms include difficulty finding words, comprehension deficits, insomnia, anger, anxiety, depression, impulsivity, poor decisions, balance issues, vision problems, headaches and more.
Thankfully whether a recent or past injury, there is an easy and relatively quick way to assess the severity of the trauma and treat it. Magnetic eResonance Therapy (MeRT) introduces magnetic energy into the brain which helps the brain waves to work at the same speed. Treatments help you think clearer, process faster and keep your memory working better for longer. MeRT has been on the market for 13 years and has been helping the patients of MVP Medical Care for over four years. Dr. Sosnowski’s understanding of functional medicine allows her to ensure each patient is in the best physical place to benefit the most from their treatments.

Each new patient begins with an evaluation and an EEG. This shows the doctor where the brain is functioning normally and where it’s suffered damage. Next, a customized treatment protocol is created to improve the brain’s function which helps make everyday life easier while reducing the risk of dementia. Treatments five days a week for 15 minutes will repeat anywhere from two to eight weeks. Contact MVP Medical Care and schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with a staff member. All new clients who book their first appointment in September will receive a discounted price on MeRT treatments. Appointments are limited so call 480-588-7787 today.