HI, MY NAME IS… Kim Hintze.

I’VE LIVED IN ARIZONA MY ENTIRE LIFE AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… there is so much diversity between the geography, weather, and cultures. Within a two-hour drive, you can go from mountains to desert, or from playing in the snow to playing in the pool. We have some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… getting my kids out the door to school, then getting myself to work. I teach art to my kindergarten through fifth graders at Caurus Academy. Once I get home I like to unwind by doing crafts or working on my latest manuscript or illustrations. After dinner, I like to watch something funny on TV with my husband.

MY FAMILY IS… my greatest blessing. They motivate me to be my best and to try new things. They fill my day with purpose.

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my long-haired dachshund Lady. She’s the first face I see each morning, and the first one to tell me hello when I get home. She’s also my writing partner.

MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY IS… “Napoleon Dynamite.” It’s funny in an absurd sort of way. The main reason I like it is because I have ties to so many family members who also love the movie. It brings back good memories of watching it with them.

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO BE… a fashion designer. Design school was not meant to be, but taking art classes in college is what steered me toward my current profession. I have had the opportunity to design many costumes for school plays, and events at my church.


THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… I have a dear friend in one of my writer’s groups who encourages me through writer’s block, bad critiques, and slow sales. She can talk me off a ledge when I’m lying on the floor staring at the fish tank thinking I’ll never write again.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… one of my first graders showed me his latest dance move. I wasn’t laughing at him, it just brought me joy.
THE PERFECT DAY IS… I would start by sleeping in and then enjoying a cup of coffee. Next, I would go to the float spa, followed by lunch with friends and a trip to the craft store. I would spend the afternoon writing or doing art. Then a movie with my family to end the day.