By Dr. Jenna Dye, Naturopathic Physician
The best time of year in Arizona is here—spring! The weather is amazing with trees and flowers blooming and pollen circulating through the air. For some of us though, this change of weather brings on the sneezes, sniffles, coughing, itching and wheezing. These symptoms make it difficult to enjoy the season. But you don’t have to be miserable. There are some simple, natural ways to reduce your exposure and conquer spring.
Boost Your Immune System
If you suffer from allergies, you may be more prone to illnesses such as sinus infections and other respiratory conditions. Make sure your immune system is in tip-top shape before the allergy season begins. Daily vitamin C can boost immunity and can act as mild antihistamine. Local raw honey can be used daily to help prime the system for the upcoming allergy season. A simple nasal irrigation with saline, such as a netipot, can help decrease and prevent that stubborn stuffy nose.
Reduce Your In-Home Allergens
We are exposed to many allergens in our home. I recommend purchasing a good quality HEPA air purifier and running it 24/7 during allergy season (I run mine year-round). Allergen exposure is especially high when we are sleeping, so having it in the bedroom is beneficial. Just make sure to change and clean the filters regularly.
If you have carpet in your home, vacuum at least twice per week to help decrease your exposure. If allergies are severe and you have pets, you may want to consider an alternative flooring. Don’t forget to clean your windowsills, blinds, and ceiling fans. They love to collect dust and we often forget about them. You can also eliminate dust mites by placing your pillows, comforters and blankets in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes just once per week.
Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle
Allergy symptoms originate from underlying inflammation and an overreaction in the body. Any additional factors that cause inflammation in the body may worsen symptoms. This can include foods, chemicals, and stress. By reducing your toxic load, your body can better handle the allergens.
Choose foods that are nutrient dense such as green leafy vegetables and antioxidant rich fruits. Avoid dairy products, as they can add to inflammation, produce more mucus, and aggravate current allergy symptoms. Reduce processed and high sugar foods and drink ample water. If you have food sensitivities, avoiding these during an allergy flare-up can be helpful.
Work on stress management. Stress negatively effects the immune system, which results in increased inflammation and a decreased ability for the body to handle allergen exposure. Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and cultivate healthy relationships in your life.
See Your Naturopathic Physician
A naturopathic physician can offer an individualized approach for you and your specific allergy symptoms. This is achieved by treating any underlying illnesses, supporting your foundational health, and decreasing inflammation. This support along with modifying your diet, reducing your exposure, and boosting your immune system can allow you to start enjoying this gorgeous time of year.
Dr. Jenna Dye is a licensed naturopathic physician. Her role is to support the body’s foundation to restore and maintain optimal health. Together with her patients, this is achieved by identifying and removing barriers that may be impacting health while creating a healing environment. For more information, visit