On November 7, the city of Peoria won the Excellence in Innovation award for the Peoria Business Concierge Program at WESTMARC’s Best of the West award event.

“Peoria has an amazing, thriving small business community and every day, we are working hard to provide these leaders with the tools and resources they need to be successful,” said Mayor Cathy Carlat. “We have secured important partnerships along the way, and we are thrilled to see our commitment to supporting our business community recognized.”

Launched in November 2018, the Peoria Business Concierge Program is a direct result of the Peoria city council’s vision of providing personalized care and attention to every business in the city. The goal is to strengthen the city’s partnership with the business community, connecting them with city services and local support programs.

The Arizona Network of Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), Arizona State University’s Entrepreneurial and Innovation Program (ASU E+I), and the Peoria Business Concierge Program work together to cultivate and engage Peoria entrepreneurs and business owners. More than 400 businesses have been impacted since the concierge program launched.

“This award demonstrates the city’s dedication to investing in and growing a thriving ecosystem of entrepreneurship – one that empowers individuals, improves standards of living and creates jobs, wealth and innovation in the local economy” said Rick Buss, Peoria’s economic development services director.
The WESTMARC’s Excellence in Innovation Award recognizes individuals, organizations, businesses, facilities or programs that have demonstrated an innovative concept to fulfill a need for West Valley residents or preserve the West Valley assets or resources. WESTMARC is the regional economic development organization for the West Valley, a public-private partnership of the 15 communities, the business community and the educational sector in the West Valley.