Photos Courtesy of Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West

Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West announced the addition of “Kids in Focus: A New Lens on Life,” a moving exhibition by local youth. Through the art of photography, these children create connections with trusted mentors and reframe the way they see their world, building confidence, resilience, and hope. “Kids in Focus: A New Lens on Life” runs through Dec. 30.

Western Spirit celebrates the importance of art and storytelling in the American West by educating, inspiring, and engaging museum guests through national and local exhibitions, educational programs, and community outreach. As they continue to address the dynamic cultural exchanges that mark the transition from the Old West to the New West, Western Spirit is proud to showcase the Kids in Focus organization and its mission, as it aids children in the New West.

Kids in Focus is a nonprofit organization dedicated to giving at-risk youth the chance to see themselves and the world in a new light, equipping them with essential life skills to make the shift from surviving to thriving. During the nine-week afterschool program, local photographers become mentors to the kids, building trusting relationships as they travel all over the Valley exploring and taking images.

Upon completing this initial program, the kids keep their cameras and become members of the Grads in Focus and Junior Mentor programs, which keep kids actively engaged for several years, through high school and beyond.

“When kids experience trauma, they disconnect from the world and themselves. A camera in these kids’ hands, with the right guidance and encouragement, ignites imagination, and can switch the light in their eyes back on, giving them confidence and the resilience they need to overcome the challenges they face,” says Kids in Focus Founder and Executive Director Karen Shell. “We are so happy to partner with Western Spirit on this exhibition.”

For more information on “Kids in Focus: A New Lens on Life,” at Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West,