By Dr. Matthew Hernandez, Ethos Integrative Medicine
When you’re experiencing shoulder pain all day, it’s no surprise that you would turn to sleep for relief. But when sleeping seated in a chair becomes as bad as lying on your side, it’s time to solve the mystery of nighttime shoulder pain.
Unfortunately, for many on the quest to conquering discomfort, their only option from healthcare providers is to “wait until it gets worse.” Here’s what they don’t want you to know: You can actually get relief now.
Shoulder Pain While Sleeping
Irene, who had been dealing with shoulder pain for six months, came to us for this exact reason: She didn’t want to resort to temporary cortisone injections, daily sleeping pills, or pain medication. She wanted a long-term solution.
“The worst part was not being able to sleep at night.” Despite three months of physical therapy, her improvement was minimal. An orthopedic surgeon also diagnosed her with a rotator cuff injury but told her she needed to wait for it to get worse to consider surgery.
Getting Relief and Finally Some Sleep
Recognizing Irene’s frustration, we swiftly acted, confirming her rotator cuff tear, and identifying a second injury in her shoulder that was contributing to her pain.
We explained to Irene how she had fallen into what we call “The Gap” in orthopedic medicine, and how regenerative medicine bridges this gap. Irene chose to partner with us and underwent two treatments. In just four weeks, her pain had improved significantly, allowing her to finally get a good night’s sleep.
Irene’s story is not uncommon; applying a one-size-fits-all approach left her without clear guidance or solutions. You don’t need to wait until it gets worse! At Ethos, our team of sports medicine physicians are well-versed in diagnosing and treating shoulder pain, saving you time, and providing peace of mind!