By Back Pain Expert, Dr. Morgan Massingale, Ethos Integrative Medicine

Does This Sound Like You?

You’ve seen everyone for low back pain and are still left without solutions. You’ve tried ice packs and heat compresses, but the pain came back. Chiropractic care only offered temporary relief, your physical therapist put you on generic exercises, the pain management doctor did a nerve ablation and told you to stop being active, and the orthopedic surgeon determined that you weren’t a surgical candidate…

As someone who specializes in treating back pain, I hear these stories all the time. I know how frustrating it is to feel like you’re stuck at square one. The good news is you’ve ruled out the majority of causes for your low back pain — it likely boils down to one of these three commonly missed issues:
Ligament and Joint Problems
Ligaments stabilize your joints. When they become worn or overstretched, low back pain can occur. One of the most commonly missed causes of low back pain is SI joint dysfunction, which is often mistaken for sciatica.

If you find yourself constantly adjusting your position when sitting or lying down, experience pain when moving from sitting to standing, or have back and groin pain, your SI ligament may be overstretched. On the other hand, pain that worsens with twisting, side-bending, or extension movements could indicate a joint issue like lumbar facet arthropathy.

Nerve Problems
If your pain eases with rest but worsens with movement, a swollen or trapped nerve might be the issue. The cluneal nerves, which run along the glute and low back, can become entrapped, causing pain. Although pain medications are often prescribed, they don’t actually help to calm the nerve and stop the irritation pattern.

Muscular Problems
The muscles along the spine play a crucial role in stabilization. Atrophy in these muscles can weaken them, causing the muscle to shrink. Over time, the shrunken muscle gets replaced by fat, which can lead to spinal instability and pain.

Relieve Your Pain for Good
If these experiences sound familiar, your pain is likely a ligament, nerve, or muscle problem — and not the ones you’ve been told about! I’ve spent years researching and treating patients with these patterns, and I don’t want you to be stuck at square one.

With our 90-Minute Deep Dive (which includes our Pain Profile, 32-Point Back Inspection, Precision Back Scan, and Diagnostic Mapping Technique), we’ll not only provide an accurate diagnosis (and explain it to you!), but also a personalized treatment plan to effectively relieve pain, restore function to your ligaments, nerves, and muscles, and prevent pain from coming back.

Your Next Step to a Pain-Free Life
Call 480-573-6171 to schedule your Deep Dive for a Pain-Free Back with our specialists at Ethos Integrative Medicine and scan the QR code below to access your FREE report: “Back SOS: The Expert Guide to Decoding Your Pain.”